Friday, December 24, 2010

Outlook 2011 Another dead end for workforce productivity.

For anyone hoping to use use Outlook on Mac, be warned. Sync does not exist unless you have an account on an Exchange server. Furthermore, they actually went so far as to remove sync functions for calendars that previously worked on mobile devices. 

As of the date of this article,  Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 for all intents and purposes does not sync to anything but Exchange accounts.

According to one thread, It appears that Microsoft’s own licensing constraints have barred developers from writing apps to connect to Outlook2011 for Mac, we have to wonder what fool is driving the bus over at Microsoft’s Mac Business Unit?

If you would like to read their excuses, Microsoft does provide a verbose and lengthy page full of excuses why they hyped a product, but left out a core functional component that very many users find critical to productivity. At least this time around, Microsoft tried to offer an explanation for their inept and mysterious ways. 

Why in the world, when releasing a new Outlook would anybody every want to sync to a mobile device from Outlook without using Exchange? *Sarcasm* 

Symbian, IPhone, Android, Windows Mobile (wow? really?), and Blackberry will not sync except in some cases to the contacts database. Tasks, Calendars, and Notes do not sync to any device or SaaS/Cloud Service like Gmail. 

iPhone users appear to be out of luck.  Michael Cook in Austraila commented, "I would have preferred that Microsoft had placed a large ORANGE sticker on the rather empty box say "Warning: This product will cripple your calendar synchronisation process with your iPhone."

Symbian and even Windows Mobile will not sync to Outlook 2011. 

Specifically, according to Microsoft,  Calendars, Notes, and Tasks are not synced. No word on whether Categories are synced, but given the other lacking functionality, it is safe to assume they skipped the sync of categories as well.

If you wish to sync a Blackberry, it only allows sync between Contacts and you have to PURCHASE 3rd party software from PocketMac.  “It’s here – BlackBerry owners can now synchronize data from Outlook 2011 to almost any model of BlackBerry,” Tim Goggin, VP of Sales & Marketing said. 

Don't believe the hype. A related article states, "Be advised that synching capabilities are limited to only contacts because Microsoft has restricted which items software developers can access. Additional syncing capabilities such as calendars, tasks and notes have been promised to arrive soon. How soon? We do not know. Hopefully these details will be disclosed soon."

At least this time, we had the foresight to not install the software before doing a lot of research. 
Who in their right mind perpetrates this on the users? Yet, Microsoft has never been known to deliver robust products with streamlined code base that will not bloat your system with each new update, updates which are required practically every other week to ward off bugs that Microsoft shipped as Gold release software.
The sad truth is that most users never know the difference since they do not usually have the savvy to try new and alternative software. And why should they be expected to have this savvy as users? Their job is not being an IT guru. They have other work they were hired to perform, and are usually stuck drumming their fingers on their desk while the Blue Wheel of Death spins around and around just perform basic tasks such as looking up a file on the hard drive. Typical users just accept a sluggish and insecure user environment as the norm and wonder why they can't get more done in a work day.
So as long as Microsoft is able to woo the CIO's of the world, we are all stuck in the mud with slick looking software that simply does not perform very well and costs a bundle to license and manage all those licenses.
Since the US Corporate workplace still turns on Microsoft's substandard productivity software and self-employed people must use mobile devices with sync capabilities to remain productive and responsive to their clients, no wonder we are in a recession.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Howell Mill Hell, gridlocked eternity.

Two years later the dust has settled on the controversial Howell Mill Hell Road improvement projects. 

After hundreds of thousands of dollars spent, over one year of construction, repeated news coverage, and a small cottage industry of blogs following the story, here we are two years later. Traffic is as bad or worse than before the city "improved" the intersection at Howell Mill and Chattahoochee

Why? The plan they invested in was based upon a design from the 1980's, that was later scaled down in the early 1990's, then mothballed. Instead of doing any new research for growth trends, they simply took the plan out of storage, dusted it off, and sent the boys to work tearing up the road. 

I write this article because it is high time that we take our district in hand. It is currently choked by traffic, it's value reduced by the congestion, and the poor design of the corridor. Reference the Bank of America ATM machine... or the Einsteins and Wendy's.. all of which force you to access their businesses by crossing up to three lanes of busy traffic at a clogged intersection. They could have had access to the Howell Mill District Shopping Center, and thereby been able to use a traffic light. Reference the entrance to the Starbuck's and Verizon that is so narrow that you have to either stop traffic to make a right, or hit the curb to make the turn.  How about the Firestone and Arby's? No light access, even though the new light is right there next to the property. 

The City appears incapable of doing anything to remedy the situation even though we have the only SuperWalmart in the City limits and Piedmont Hospital West across the street.

Let's form our own Howell Mill Corridor TAD and Planning Unit to gain the ability to accomplish it's own projects using it's own funds raised from the property taxes. Perhaps we should form our own City? No, I am kidding, but seriously a TAD is very feasible.

As another example of engaging the public then simply burying the results, read the report "Upper Westside LCI Concept Prioritization Exercise" calling for "street car/trolley loop along Northside Drive/Marietta Street/Howell Mill Road and the Surrender of Atlanta Park at the intersection of Howell Mill Road and Marietta Street" as the resident's highest priority. This report was published in June 2005! Five years later, nothing has been done. How about a discussion of at least allowing a private trolley to operate? We do not necessary need the City to pay for all of this! So excuses about budget shortfalls are just shortsighted. 

Yes, it does look a bit nicer with new paint, fresh asphalt, a slight change in the lanes, but in no way does this expenditure address the problem. It does amount to yet another example of poor planning and wasteful spending by our city officials. 

And they we're made well aware of this before they ever broke ground, even hosting townhall charettes complete with Georgia Tech and Georgia Conservancy planning pundits to give the dialogue some sense of credibility. At the end of the day, none of the results of the research and public input were used to forge a plan that would be sustain the coming growth. We are just lucky, in an ironic sense, that the economy fell on it's face, since the 3000+ zoned units that would use that intersection are now on-hold,  pending the much-heralded economic recovery.

For my part, I took the time to develop a proposal, and shopped it around to various people such as Jim Borders at Navarre Properties, City of Atlanta Streets (Nursif Qadir), Jud Ready, Clair Muller, Feliciana Moore, Mayor Franklin, various NPU-D officials, and former Mayoral candidate Mary Norwood. Scott Taylor at Carter, the folks at Selig, and Winter Properties were all given a copy. Ask Selig what happened to their Development Impact Fees they paid to the City of Atlanta when they were approved for the Howell Mill District Project. Practically not one dime was spent to restructure the Howell Mill Corridor to accommodate one the largest developments in Atlanta besides Atlantic Station or the Georgia World Congress Center's expansion, the latter faces into a neighborhood overrun by crime and potentially endangers visitors to our city, since we have done nothing in the past four years to address this obvious problem. I digress, which is an all too easy thing to do in this City. There are just too many easy targets that are hard to ignore.

The concept of improvements included solutions for Howell Mill intersections from Collier to Chattahoochee Industrial. A major component features a traffic circle providing three lanes of continuous flow around the two blocks at the intersection of Howell Mill and Collier over to the Willie's, and giving direct access to Northbound 75 without the need for much of the volume to ever use Howell Mill. 

The City officials confused this plan with a plan referred to as "the Howell Mill Bypass". I had not heard of that proposal when i draft the Howell Mill Traffic Circle, but there are only minor similarities. 

 The only one who was ardently opposed was Mr. Borders. He thought that retail would suffer unless two traffic was available. I wonder what he thinks these days, now that the traffic is parked both ways on the two way road? Now that Smyrna-Vinings residents clog our streets taking the back way home to Cobb County? Now that his company's properties are not suitable for so-called liveable development owing to the smog, noise, congestion, and gridlock that encircles Navarre's holdings at Howell Mill? 

If you are interested in actively working on pulling together a Howell Mill TAD composed of residents, commercial property owners, and business owners, then please contact me at 678.389.9903 or

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Brown Shirts" imagery over-reaching? Think again. We are better than that America. Far better.

So the news is breaking, along with windows, right now that Democratic officials' offices in five separate locations over four days have been  vandalized. Mike Vanderboegh's blog is calling for people across the nation to vandalize property as an act of civil disobedience.

For those of you who thought it was over-reaching to invoke rhetoric of brown shirts and KristallNacht imagery, I have unfortunately been vindicated. The news is now breaking that we had our very own tiny attempt at a KristallNacht. From Alabama, Mike Vanderboegh, has called upon people to break the windows of Dem officials' offices. 5 offices in 4 days have had bricks thrown through the windows. Congressman John Lewis was spat upon and racially heckled this morning as he walked in Washington DC. Sarah Palin has called upon the public to "reload", labeling locations with gunsites where elections should be "targeted". "If Brown can't do it, a Browning can" is on a billboard in Massachusetts. Others have received death threats.

Congressman Bart Stupack (D) labeled baby-killer by Neugebauer (R) during congressional session, today used his misbehavior as a fund-raising tool, after he publically apologized for his inappropriate comment. Hypocrite. If he is so passionate about his comment, then he should "grow a sack" and stand by what he said, instead of offering apology then taking an about face with his speech to supporters! He needs to sit down, take a Ciallis, and shut up.

Apparently  MikeVanderboegh has not bothered to look the actual meaning of "Civil Disobedience":
" Refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use of passive resistance or other nonviolent means."

Breaking windows happens to be an act of violent vandalism, not Civil Disobedience. 

For those of you who did not manage to attend sixth grade, Kristallnacht was so named since it was "the night of broken glass" when Hitler incited German youth to break the windows of Jewish Shop Owners. 
Different target. Different group of haters. Fewer windows. A far more impotent leader. Similar feelings. Similar hate. Similar, albeit far more weak, danger. The good news is that vandalism is still enforced by the rule of law as a crime! The good news is Mr.Vanderboegh remains in the fringe. Here is a sampling of his ranting: 

"They do not, it is apparent after the past year of town halls and Tea Parties and nose-diving opinion polls, hear you SHOUT. They certainly do not hear the soft "snik-snik" of cleaning rods being used on millions of rifle barrels in this country by people who have decided that their backs are to the wall, politics and the courts no longer are sufficient to the task of defending their liberties, and they must make their own arrangements." 

..."So, if you wish to send a message that Pelosi and her party cannot fail to hear, break their windows.

Break them NOW.

Break them and run to break again. Break them under cover of night. Break them in broad daylight. Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. Break them with rocks. Break them with slingshots. Break them with baseball bats.


The time has come to take your life, your liberty and that of your children and grandchildren into your own two hands and ACT.

It is, after all, more humane than shooting them in self defense.

And if we do a proper job, if we break the windows of hundreds, thousands, of Democrat party headquarters across this country, we might just wake up enough of them to make defending ourselves at the muzzle of a rifle unnecessary." Vanderboeghs's Blog

So fine. The government no longer represents the people. This is news? This is different than when Bush or Clinton were in office? Remember Janet Reno's troops burning Waco, attacking Ruby Ridge, or pushing an MP5 machine gun into four year old Elian Gonzales' face? Name me a president you could trust.. how far back in time do you have to go? Yet, somehow our nation has endured without hateful, corporate funded fascists pointing fingers at their political opponents. We can handle commies and socialists without stooping to shameful behavior that is far less than we are as a nation.

Machiavelli's first rule of statecraft dictates that to rule a population the ruling class must manufacture differences within the population, and polarize the governed based upon these differences. Baby-killers v pro-life. Illegal immigrant v citizen. Rich v. Poor. Working voter v. welfare recipient. Pro-health care v. private health care. Global Warming v. denial of Global Warming. Fascist v. Free. Socialist v. Free. Communist v. Free. If you don;t like socialism, remove all the corporate incentives we give to businesses in the form of tax breaks! Remove all those farm subsidies! Freemarkets are wonderful, until it takes the pork off your own plate. 

If all these people are so hell bent on a revolution, what do you propose to replace our system with? If you do not have a better plan, simply attacking what we do have with nothing to relace it with will make matters far worse than they are now.

Are we so weak and disempowered that we will guide crackpot extremists and corporate special interest funding groups guide our agenda with hate? 

We are better than that America. Far better.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Droid Doesn't. Neither do other "Smartphones The Global Recession, business PIM data, and not-so-SmartPhones.

Droid Doesn't. Neither do the other "Smartphones"!

The Global Recession, business PIM data, and not-so-SmartPhones.
 March 3, 2010- Professor Bryan Grant RSCH1203 Georgia Perimeter College

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"Global Recession, Business PIM data, and not-so-SmartPhones. Droid Doesn't. Neither do the others by @bryangrant"

Consider that we are in a recession.  Recessions result from a cumulative effect of poor decisions, missteps, and inefficiencies spanning the global business communities, governments, and individuals.

The talk of economic stimulus has been hollow, the results insignificant, and the investment cost astronomical.

One way of gaining a lot of ground in turning around the current recession is to empower people everywhere with tools that actually work. Tools should use standards, empower effective collaboration, and minimize redundant tasks.

When your Windows system crashes, is slow, or does not sync reliably, the user waits. Waiting means you lose money, means less business, and depresses economic growth. When Microsoft Office Outlook on PC does not collaborate at all with Microsoft Office Entourage on a Mac, time and money is lost since those two participants have to redundantly find ways to collaborate.

Each time a user must manually re-enter information, such as contact information from a business card or an email, this is time and money lost. Each manual cut n paste to open a website or a map is money lost. VCards are now broken owing to lack of use and variant new implementations. Beaming does not exist any longer except between Nokia and Palm products. Blackberrys cant open vCards from other platforms. The standards for shared calendars amount to no standard at all. Calendars are not shareable unless you work in the same corporate environment. Office now uses .docx formats, breaking with standards used for nearly 20 years.

G20 nations should use their preeminence to development, establish, and adopt common business tools. Many of these standards have already been developed and been available for use by software vendors for the past 12 years. VCards, ical, ldap, are all jargon for standards that enable anyone anywhere to leverage the same data without having to retype it all in. These standards are sporadically used, and are endemic to inefficient economic development.

Adoption and enforcement of the use of common, open source based standards for business tools would truly stimulate economic growth since business operators would be able to quickly and easily collaborate using common tools such as categorized contacts, calendar items, notes, and tasks, all enabled with reminders and prioritization flags. Overlooking the use Categories is very much like having a huge pile of data and simply throwing it all in one box without any means of keeping it organized. Categories enable you to organize, and therefore actually use your data. It is a critical component of any PIM.

For all of Microsoft’s faults, bloated programs, and inherent risks to data loss, as well as proprietary licensing, Outlook is the ONLY game in town that provides a standard suite of personal information management (PIM) applets as well as email, and a way to categorize, thereby organize, all of it. It is the only platform that syncs to practically every handheld device in the market. It is the only tool that has dozens of conduits to services like Plaxo, LinkedIn, etc to make your data portable and shareable.

This is a straightforward issue, and the players consistently ignore any attempt at standards.

Why don’t more people complain? Most people aren’t aware of this issue until they run afoul of this.Most folks new to the environment are unaware that it used to actually work. Still others cannot express their complaint since they do not have the technical jargon/vocabulary to do so. The problem lingers and festers, hindering the workplace from leveraging their knowledge to create more opportunities for growth, innovation, and change.

The buzz of late has been about SmartPhones. The offerings in the market for the past several years are inherently broken.  This article will look at the so-called SmartPhones, and their shortcomings. Going forward, “PIM” implies all four databases complete with reminders, flags, and categories. “Social Media” implies any tools that enable access to services like Plaxo, LinkedIn, Blogs, Facebook, share this article links, Twitter, MySpace, BaseCamp, Groove, etc.

Every last one of the competitive offerings are broken in way or another.

Blackberry- The most common Blackberry to small business people is the 8330 Curve. It is also the lowest common denominator in their product lines, being the cheapest and most widely available product. Storms, Tours, etc are better in terms of performance, but most people either don’t have them on their carriers or simply can’t afford them unless their company buys them.

While boasting to have three slots in the top 10 highest radiation (SARS) ratings on the market for any phone anywhere, Blackberry 8330 does all of the PIM functions, reliably and fully. Yet, 8330 is slow, cant access the BB App store without frequent crashes. Social Media access is useless being slow, unreliable, and very limited in use. Yet it sure does a good job of keeping your data synced with Outlook on PC. On Mac, until Sept of last year, there was no sync software for Blackberry, unless you rolled the dice and $60 to use Missing Sync, which is apt to mangle your data. Using a virtualPC on Mac was not possible since the USB cable would not stay connected to the VirtualPC.

The Blackberry User Interface is very poor, without logical links between new phone numbers and existing contacts in the address book, addresses in the address book and maps, graphics and scripts on web pages are just plain broken, you can’t set the default browser to another more functional browser like miniOpera. You have to use the Blackberry one unless you manually run Opera and cut n paste the URL into the browser. Can you say broken?

Windows Mobile. While it does sync to Outlook very well, the rest of the system is slow, crashes frequently, and is problematic when actually making phone calls. It has many similar issues to Blackberry. Social Media is also a non-starter at this point. Apps are few and far between, and most cost a pretty penny.

iPhone, while the bling factor is very high, it does NOT sync fully to Outlook. It does NOT provide a complete bridge between Mac and PC systems if that is your goal.  Categories, Notes, Tasks do not travel well between platforms, and most these don’t sync to begin with. Mac does not have a Notes app that can sync anywhere, UNLESS you buy the data-mangling MissingSync. iPhone is good at linking all kinds of things together... An address can be viewed on a map without manually selecting the address text, and then pasting it into a map application. Websites look terrific and are fast to load. It is good as an entertainment device. There are very many useful apps; some are even good for business. Yet, it does not fully sync to Outlook, nor does MobileMe, the OTA sync solution.

Google's Android, arguably the only open source based cell phone OS platform on the market, does not handle PIM very well at all. Likely this stems from the dysfunctions of the Gmail development team. All these years Gmail has been up and running, do you think there is a tasks or notes feature in Gmail? No. Do you think there is bidirectional sync between any local PIM like Mac Address Book or Windows Outlook? No. One way via data export, not sync. Does Gmail handle Categories? Nope. They call them Groups. Which conflicts since Groups in outlooks are used to create Mail Lists? If you import from Outlook to Gmail, you will mangle your existing email list groups within Gmail unless you manually save them offline, then manually repopulate them after you bring in the latest contacts database. All of this is manual.

Therefore, the Android, being closely related to Gmail and Google apps, is also a non-starter. Oddly, Android is NOT closely integrated even with Google’s own applications! Google reader? Nope. You have to install a broken 3rd party app. Good luck. Can you edit or cut n paste from an email in Gmail? Nope. You can only annotate an email to reply to or forward, and you can’t select the text from the original message. With Google docs it is only through the browser.  You have to manually retype in your address, though you told the android your Gmail sign on info to begin with. YouTube? Hah. You have to type it manually. (Better hope it doesn’t forget what you typed a week later!) How about Picasa? Nope. 3rd party substandard apps only, so Android provides practically no interface to Picasa for web albums... opting to point people to Flickr instead... which is NOT tightly integrated to Gmail.

And Outlook... ah yes. The fundamental reason why a Smartphone is a Smartphone, at least IMHO, is the ability to use and update your PIM data on the road. All the stuff that is broken between Outlook and Gmail? Most of that is also true between Android and Outlook.
Android ONLY syncs Contacts and Calendar items, and then only from one data store. If you are using say Gmail locally in outlook, and have an exchange account for work, you will only be able to sync with one or the other. Not both. (Blackberry allows full sync to all, so does windows mobile)

Specific gripes for Android:
- The Quick office app did not display a small (1.8mb) PowerPoint presentation. Useless.
- Typing with your thumbs is pretty useful since your other fingers are holding the device in the air, and preventing it from landing on the concrete. I can only get the touch screen keyboard to accurately respond by using a smaller finger such an index finger. Using thumbs, I am all thumbs. poking with one hand and one finger while the other holds the phone, I am a 10word a minute typist. Whee.
- Unless you want duplicates, you must blow away one of the databases, either your Gmail data, or the Outlook data. The "sync" tool does not merge. You pick from Outlook or To Outlook, overwriting one way or the other. How is that Syncing? It’s not.
- The ONLY tool to remove duplicates from your PIM data is Plaxo. If you are use Gmail imap on Outlook, Plaxo has a bug which conflicts with Gmail IMAP. To remove Dup's you have to remove Gmail IMAP from Outlook, restart Outlook, install Plaxo's conduit, run the De-dup routine, remove the Plaxo conduit, re-install Gmail IMAP. Fun!

My conclusion, barring some unattended surprise from a test drive of the Palm Pre, is that I will have to remain a Blackberry customer for the foreseeable future. I will have to manage my Social Media assets on a real computer. I will have to sync with a cable to my real computer. I will have manually cut n paste text to get the job done.

Time testing those two phones, Samsung Moment and HTC Hero, amounts to 6 hours. Time writing up the results so the rest of us will know to give it a pass and use those6 hours to something actually useful? 3 hours.

Imagine all the other users attempting to improve their position by adapting new tools to increase access and usability of their data? Imagine all those out there who simply accept it, and just bang away without a complaint? Add up all those hours. Then look again, with a fresh eye, at the global recession. Broken tools lead to broken bank accounts.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

545 Politician vs 300 Million Americans

545 Politician vs 300 Million Americans

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545 Politicians vs 300million Americans #teaparty #reform #freedom

(I hashed #teaparty since I figured those folks would be on board with the theme of this. Heck.. all Americans should be on board with this. )
Charley  Reese has been a journalist for 49 years..

By Charlie Reese 

Politicians are the only people in the world  who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever  wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if  all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have  inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget.  The president does.

You and I don't have the  Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of  Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress  does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You  and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve  Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one  president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human  beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally,  and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague  this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve  Board because that problem was created by the  Congress.  In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty  to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central  bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a  sound reason.. They have no legal authority.  They have no  ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one  cotton-picking thing.  I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash.  The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault.   They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an  excessive amount of gall.  No normal  human being would have the gall of a  Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits..  The president can only propose a budget.   He cannot force the Congress to accept  it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the  land, gives sole responsibility to the House of  Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.  Who is the speaker of the House?   Nancy Pelosi.  She is  the leader of the majority party.  She and  fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want.  If thepresident vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if  they agree  to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can  not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of  incompetence and irresponsibility.  I can't think of a  single domestic problem  that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.  When you fully  grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal  government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to  exist....

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it  unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in  the red ..

If the Army & Marines are in  IRAQ ,  it's because they want them in IRAQ

If they do not  receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available  to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift  the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can  abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to  regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can  take this power.  Above all, do not let them con you into  the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the  economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing  what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they  alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the  power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the  people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the  gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of  them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel  Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have  read it.......... Is up to you.