Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ski Patroller Trained Better than Dallas Ebola Nurses

Worried about ISIS, ebola, and the long list of other crazy stuff that seems to fill up the news? well this will WORRY YOU EVEN MORE.. MWAHAHAHA (Vincent Price evil laugh)..

Read articles about the Nurse's Union report on the gross dereliction of duty by the administration of the Dallas hospital, not only endangering other patients and the community, but their own staff. You will be sickened at the gross negligence revealed by their reports.

Thanks to these negligent administrators and their colleagues, we will probably see Ebola in 4-8 weeks in many cities in the US.

Like it is some A-ha Moment that people travel globally, that symptoms are hard to screen, and that one should err on the side of caution given the severe consequences to all of humanity in the event of containment failure.

Why do I have any credibility to speak on this? After all, I am not a doctor or a nurse, right? Well,  I used to be a Wildnerness EMT (WEC) certified Ski Patroller out in Park City Utah back in the 90's working at the Canyons, and Park City, 100+ ski days per year. Even in those days, even out on the snow on the mountain, we were properly trained and provisioned to deal with preventing contact with a guest/patient's bodily fluids. We were trained by the local clinic by local doctors, nurses, and emt's. Hosted by the Clinic with their staff providing oversight and resources, we even ran ongoing mock response scenarios so we could be evaluated for our attention to following protocol. This was for frikking SKI PATROL at a SMALL resort town in a Utah, a state that has a very low population density to begin with.. in other words, we were more or less in the middle of nowhere and we had better training and compliance with protocols than a major regional hospital in a world class city, Dallas, where the former President Bush lived.. supposedly lived, that is. ;-)

In those days we really only needed to worry about HepA,B,C, AIDS, and a few other less permanent diseases, and even then we had N95 class masks, proper gloves, eye protection, and our goretex served as adequate fluid transfer barriers. Heck, when it's really cold we even have balaclavas covering our face..

So.. how is it when we know that ebola has a 70% fatality rate, that over 15 years later, at a major hospital in Dallas, AND after spending untold BILLIONS over that same time frame expanding the budget and operating scope of the CDC, we have hospitals putting their staff and the community at risk of infection?

How is that CDC Director Tom Freiden is only now making available CDC deployment teams, organizing them just this week? Why weren't the CDC teams already planned on ages ago in anticipation of an outbreak? ANY Outbreak? Has the CDC ever heard of scenario contingency planning? No? Really?! Noone from FEMA called them to discuss their preparedness? Gross Dereliction of duty and responsibility. Willful and reckless endangerment of the public, if you ask me, and yes.. I know you didn't ask me.

Do we need to get the military to run all this? It seems like they are the only ones with government paychecks that actually do a good job.

Pick an article from a source of your liking.. just so you can't say I was quoting the Liberal.. or Conservative... media.

So.. Start eating canned food, and working from home. Whatever you do.. I would avoid eating at a restaurant in the near future!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

City of Atlanta Sued Over Use of Watershed Department "Secret" Billing

From the Fulton County Daily Report. May 2, 2014:
Lawyers this week filed a potential class action against the city of Atlanta, claiming the city illegally charges its own Department of Watershed Management to use the city's infrastructure—payments that are passed to customers as "secret" bills that are essentially extra taxes.
The money goes to the city's general fund, according to city records attached to the case filed in Fulton County Superior Court.
"The Franchise Fee Ordinance is illegal, because under Georgia general law and the City of Atlanta Charter, the city of Atlanta may not charge a franchise fee against its own publicly owned water department as if Watershed Management was a separate, private, third-party utility such as AT&T or Comcast," says the suit.
It was brought Wednesday for two property owners by former Court of Appeals Judge Irwin W. Stolz Jr., James W. Hurt, Robert D. Feagin and John F. Woodham. Hurt, of Hurt Stolz, is listed as the lead counsel.
City attorneys would not comment on the case because the lawsuit has not been served, said city spokesman Carlos Campos.
The plaintiffs' lawyers have successfully challenged the city in other areas. Stolz and Feagin beat the city in long-running litigation about the city's former occupational tax. The lawyers' suit, which reached the Georgia Supreme Court on appeal by the city, resulted in a ruling that the tax was an unconstitutional precondition to practicing law. They won $6.1 million in attorney fees, or one-third of the $18.3 million in refunds for attorneys who paid the tax.
Woodham, in a one-man challenge, stopped the city of Atlanta from using public school bond revenue for the Beltline project. The project, which is underway, is a planned 22-mile loop through the city. That case too went to the state Supreme Court. The justices ruled that using $900 million in school bonds violated a constitutional provision that school funds can only be used as "necessary or incidental" to public education.
Woodham entered a new fray with the city in February when he filed a motion to intervene in the $278 million bond issue intended to fund construction for the new Atlanta Falcons stadium. Woodham and former Fulton Superior Court Judge Thelma Wyatt Cummings Moore represent a group of pastors and residents of the area where the stadium is to be built. 
The lead plaintiffs, two property owners in Atlanta, ask for the fees to be eliminated and seek a $58.8 million refund of the charges, which they say started in 2009, plus attorney fees.
The suit says that in addition to charging Watershed Management franchise fees for using the city's water pipes and rights-of-way, the city also demands payment in lieu of taxes for the use of pumping stations, water production plants and sewage treatment plants.
The suit says of the payment in lieu of taxes, commonly known as PILOT, that the "City of Atlanta has no authority under state statute, local law, the city of Atlanta charter, or the Constitution of the state of Georgia to assess a fee constituting 'payment in lieu of taxes,' against its own tax exempt property, operated by one of its own departments."
One of the laws the plaintiffs cite to support their case, O.C.G.A. § 36-35-3, says municipalities cannot take "action adopting any form of taxation beyond that authorized by law or by the Constitution." The suit maintains the franchise fees and PILOT charges are illegal taxes.
City of Atlanta documents attached to the lawsuit show both sets of fees were voted into ordinance in 1998. They went into effect in 2009, according to the suit. The ordinances cite other cities that apparently have the same fee structures in place, including Dallas, Los Angeles, Memphis and Philadelphia.
The case is Steven J. Newton, SJN Properties and Freda M. Stokley v. City of Atlanta, No. 2014CV245692. Judge Robert McBurney is assigned the case.

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